Solomon Kane, Armed
- SOLOMON KANE, Armed - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on 11 x 14 coquille board. It was a private commission drawing that surprisingly turned up in the book, "The Fantastic Worlds of Robert E. Howard," edited and published by James Van Hise in 1997.
The purchase of my artwork does not give the new owner of the artwork the right to publish it without my permission, but once in a while it does happen. Early in my career a book appeared in print that contained a large collection of my drawings, without my permission. I contacted the publisher and explained to him the copyright law concerning "Printing Rights" in the publishing industry.
The publisher had been buying my original artwork from me for some time and when he had accumulated enough for a book, he went ahead and published it. He thought that by "owning" my artwork he was free to publish it without paying me for the right to do so. But he read the law and being a sensible man, he sent me an apology and a royalty payment.
The fact is that when you buy artwork from an artist you get to keep it and display it in your home, but you cannot use it for commercial purposes unless you contact the artist for permission, which should lead to a formal contract of some kind.
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